The Big Empty: Eating Cheetos With The Hungry Ghosts Of The Corporate State, By Phil Rockstroh

The Big Empty: Eating Cheetos With The Hungry Ghosts Of The Corporate State, By Phil Rockstroh

Poets of previous generations warned that one’s soul could be lost in blind pursuit of vaults of riches and limitless knowledge. It is difficult not to laugh in derision or weep in anguish for a people who sell their soul for access to the contents of a convenience store. Addiction to fattening food speaks of our inner emptiness; so called Reality Television relates to our hunger for social engagement and communion; the images that haunt the corporate state media hologram attract us because we long for the images that rise from the soul.

Redefining Wealth, By Craig Comstock

Redefining Wealth, By Craig Comstock

Defining wealth as the ability to buy things, we have largely lost the sense of “weal,” which means well-being (as in the word “commonweal”). To most people, wealth now refers less to shared well-being than to “gross national product” or “personal net worth.”