Not The Future We Ordered: Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress, By John Michael Greer—A Book Review By Carolyn Baker

Not The Future We Ordered: Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress, By John Michael Greer—A Book Review By Carolyn Baker

Greer argues that the myth of progress for modernity, and especially for Americans, has transcended a “notion” and has actually become more of a civil religion—a fundamental tenet of civilization and that questioning it is tantamount to heresy. And, the emotional ramifications of questioning progress or abandoning the myth altogether are enormous. In fact, much of Not The Future We Ordered is an explanation of the psychology of coming to terms with the end of progress.

To Touch A Future Sky: Raising Children In Changing Times, By Dianne Monroe

To Touch A Future Sky: Raising Children In Changing Times, By Dianne Monroe

“How can we nurture and raise children so they can grow into adults who are able to survive, thrive and contribute to new ways of being with the Earth and each other? ” This how I pose this question to myself as I look into the hopeful eyes of the children whose lives I have the opportunity to touch through my work. It is perhaps this sense of contributing to new ways of being with the Earth and each other that will make it possible for the youth of today to survive and thrive in a challenging and rapidly changing world.