Getting Real About It: Meeting The Psychological And Social Demands Of A World In Distress, By Susanne Moser, Ph.D.

Getting Real About It: Meeting The Psychological And Social Demands Of A World In Distress, By Susanne Moser, Ph.D.

The landscape you will find yourself in, once you allow this realization to take hold, is a different one. Despair lives there, along with helplessness and anger, fear and disorientation, undoubtedly also unspeakable sadness. You are likely to come to recognize that this is a new time. The time before was one in which we insisted and relied on hope, on better tomorrows, in the US on the “American Dream.” Now, we have to accept that “better tomorrows” may not come. It is akin to accepting one’s own mortality, maybe a doctor’s prognosis of one’s impending death, but on a much grander scale.