Fear Of A Living Planet, By Charles Eisenstein

Fear Of A Living Planet, By Charles Eisenstein

Reposted from Kosmos Journal Does the concept of a living planet uplift and inspire you, or is it a disturbing example of woo-woo nonsense that distracts us from practical, science-based policies? The scientifically-oriented nuts-and-bolts environmental or social...
In A Rhino, Everything, By Charles Eisenstein

In A Rhino, Everything, By Charles Eisenstein

What is it like to be a rhino? To be a policeman? A corporate executive, a terrorist, a killer? What is it like to be a river? These questions arise naturally in the story that Thich Nhat Hanh named interbeing, that holds us as interdependent on every level, even that of basic existence. It is the successor to the story of the separate self, and it opens us to compassion and grief alike.