It’s Pretty Much Inevitable That Trump Will Try To Stage A Coup And Overthrow Democracy, An Interview With Timothy Snyder, Yale Historian

It’s Pretty Much Inevitable That Trump Will Try To Stage A Coup And Overthrow Democracy, An Interview With Timothy Snyder, Yale Historian

You have to accept there is a time frame. Nobody can be sure how long this particular regime change with Trump will take, but there is a clock, and the clock really is ticking. It’s three years on the outside, but in more likelihood something like a year. In January 2018 we will probably have a pretty good idea which way this thing is going. It’s going to depend more on us than on them in the meantime. Once you get past a certain threshold, it starts to depend more on them than on us, and then things are much, much worse. It makes me sad to think how Americans would behave at that point.

John Kelly And The Language Of The Military Coup, By Masha Gessen

John Kelly And The Language Of The Military Coup, By Masha Gessen

Consider this nightmare scenario: a military coup. You don’t have to strain your imagination—all you have to do is watch Thursday’s White House press briefing, in which the chief of staff, John Kelly, defended President Trump’s phone call to a military widow, Myeshia Johnson. The press briefing could serve as a preview of what a military coup in this country would look like, for it was in the logic of such a coup that Kelly advanced his four arguments

The Worst Of Donald Trump’s Toxic Agenda Is Lying In Wait: A Major US Crisis Will Unleash It, By Naomi Klein

The Worst Of Donald Trump’s Toxic Agenda Is Lying In Wait: A Major US Crisis Will Unleash It, By Naomi Klein

It is true that many of the more radical items on this administration’s wish list have yet to be realized. But make no mistake, the full agenda is still there, lying in wait. And there is one thing that could unleash it all: a large-scale crisis.

Large-scale shocks are frequently harnessed to ram through despised pro-corporate and anti-democratic policies that would never have been feasible in normal times. It’s a phenomenon I have previously called the “Shock Doctrine,” and we have seen it happen again and again over the decades, from Chile in the aftermath of Augusto Pinochet’s coup to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina

Awaiting Our Own Reichstag Fire, By Richard Heinberg

Awaiting Our Own Reichstag Fire, By Richard Heinberg

In this war of the elites, those who understand the “crisis of civilization” and are working to build community resilience as a response should be wary of hyper-partisanship. It may be essential over the short run to oppose both the rise of an authoritarian state and the dismantling of national climate policy. But no matter how fierce the contest, it is vital to remember that getting rid of Donald Trump will not make America great again.